PTMEG (POLYTETRAMETHYLENE ETHER GLYCOL), a high quality polyether diol used as a building block in premium polyurethanes and COPE elastomers, can exhibit the following characteristics:
Gantrade supplies PTMEG in 200 kg (441 lb) factory sealed iron drums and 20 MT (44,080 lb) bulk heated ISO tanks. The minimum order size is one drum. Sample sizes are 1 kg and 20 kg containers.
Gantrade’s partner for PTMEG is Dairen Chemical Corporation (DCC). DCC is the largest global producer of PTMEG with six individual production facilities. DCC is back integrated to propylene as the feedstock and 1,4-butanediol. Gantrade maintains strong drum inventories of PTMEG in the USA and Europe at multiple warehouse locations, which includes drums and 20 MT ISO Tanks. We offer value in pricing, delivery, service, which includes technical service, and knowledge sharing. Our PTMEG polyols meet the highest quality standards.
The shelf life of PTMEG is 2 years when stored in the unopened, original containers and kept at ~ 20ºC. PTMEG is slightly hygroscopic. When opened to the atmosphere, PTMEG will absorb moisture.
PTMEG 650 has a softening point of 11°C (52°F) and can be a liquid at room temperature. PTMEG 1000, and the higher molecular weight grades are low-melting waxy white solids, with softening points starting at about 24°C (75°F). They must be heated to liquefy and discharge from drums or ISO Tanks. It is important that drums are rolled when re-melted to avoid segregation of the various molecular weight fractions that make up PTMEG. Gantrade can supply the viscosity temperature profiles for each of the grades of PTMEG diols.
PTMEG diols are listed as a-hydro-w-hydroxypoly-(oxytetramethylene), in the Code of the Federal Register. PTMEG polyols are acceptable indirect food additives and intermediates in the following regulation standards:
Gantrade Corporation can provide an official FDA compliance letter upon request.
PTMEG polyols are non-hazardous, stable products with a low order of toxicity. Gantrade Corporation encourages its customers to have a comprehensive understanding of the health, safety, environmental and regulatory information on its products before handling and disposal. To obtain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and other handling information, please contact us using the contact form on www.gantrade.com or call 201-573-1955. Always prevent electrostatic discharge and ensure adequate ventilation in the work and storage areas.