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3 Key Qualities to Look For in Your Supplier's Logistics and Warehouse Solutions

When you’re responsible for managing your company’s purchases or supply chain, you know that satisfying your customers depends on finding suppliers with effective logistics and warehouse solutions.

However, selecting a company to collaborate with your team in facilitating your supply chain can be a complicated process that involves a number of different variables.   

Because the growth of your organization depends on a supplier offering high-quality products with good consistency of supply and availability, it’s important to know what distinguishes a supplier having excellent logistics and warehouse solutions from an average one.  

As you evaluate your options, here are 3 key qualities you need to look for in the company you select for your supply chain:  

1. A Wide Geographic Network for Logistics and Warehouse Solutions

If you want to lower your costs and shorten the time between placing an order and receiving your products, then you’ll want a supplier who is an effective logistics and warehouse solutions provider with a wide geographic network.

Having a supplier with a broad network of warehouse and distribution centers can help you obtain the products you need in a timely and cost-effective manner.

At Gantrade, our worldwide network helps us accomplish this objective—whether you need a urethane intermediate such as MPO, a polyol such as PTMEG, or an acrylic monomer such as BA.  Our collaboration with major warehouse operations includes the following locations, which demonstrate how wide-reaching our logistics network is:

  • Houston, TX
  • La Mirada, CA
  • Chicago, IL
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Antwerp, Belgium
  • Felixstowe, UK
  • Oslo, Norway
  • Shanghai, China
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico

Here are a few ways we work to ensure our customers receive products from these locations in a reliable manner…

  • When products are sourced from overseas, our partnership with ocean freight networks allows us to make shipping arrangements, clear any customs requirements, and inventory the products in local warehouse locations.  
  • If you have large shipments, we can leverage our dedicated United States railcar or tank truck fleet to deliver your products in a timely fashion.  
  • For ISO tank shipments, Gantrade partners with companies possessing expertise in transporting, heating, and repositioning ISO tanks.
  • For drum and IBC tote shipments, we maintain strong local inventories in our domestic warehouses and effective partnerships with freight transportation companies.

No matter your company size, we manage your products in a reliable way so they meet our standards and specifications.

2. Dependable Inventory Supply and Quality Products

In addition to considering a supplier’s network for logistics and warehouse solutions, you’ll also want to consider the quality and reliability of its inventory supply.  

Securing the products you need when you need them is critical. At stake is your ability to reduce your costs and meet your needs and those of your customers, especially if demand takes a sharp increase.

From Oslo to Chicago, Gantrade selects high-quality products and takes possession of all inventory in our network, setting accurate inventory goals to ensure you have the products you need to keep your business running smoothly.

If an increased consumer demand should occur, you can rely on our stock that  has a target of more than 150% of the monthly inventory forecast.

No matter how large or small your order, once you place your request with your Gantrade CSR, you’ll receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours and the expected delivery time in 24 to 48 hours.

3. A Commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility

More and more, organizations are experiencing scrutiny for how their business practices impact consumers, employees, and the environment. To help your company be socially and environmentally accountable, you’ll want logistics and warehouse solutions that support responsible supply chain management.

At Gantrade, we’re committed to delivering all logistics and warehouse solutions in compliance with the ICCA’s Responsible Care® initiative, which means we keep the health, safety, and environmental impact of our actions foremost in mind. And European customers can rest assured that we’ve registered our products to meet REACH requirements.

In addition, Gantrade received the ISO 9001:2015 accreditation in the United States and the ISO 2001 in Europe. Not only does this ensure a systematic process for our business operations, but it also means that any changes we make are communicated to our customers and receive their approval.

Whether you’re looking to strengthen your supply chain or partner with an organization committed to responsibility, Gantrade Corporation is a supplier that provides logistics and warehouse solutions tailored for the requirements of your company. We also offer a fully supported customer service website to facilitate timely communications with our US customers.

Contact Gantrade today to discuss a customized chemical sourcing solution.